93 Photo Street

Photo Map Frequently Asked Questions

For 93 Photo Street specific FAQs, see the 93 Photo Street FAQ

A photo map is a group of images which are arranged on a map instead of in an album or a slideshow. In other words, a photo map is arranged by location instead of by time.
There is a list of photo maps and most web search engines will return a list of them if you search for "photo map".
Some tools (like 93 Photo Street) allow you to automatically download free maps from sources like the US Census road database or the US Geological Survey elevation sets. There are also applications which will save map images which you can then use for photo maps, and on the web you can browse many maps, including the numerous maps in David Rumsey's collection.
If you are not going to use a tool designed specifically for photo mapping, you will probably need to know how to create HTML, edit image files, and transfer files to the web. That said, people have used tools like Frontpage and the Mozilla Editor to make web pages with photo maps on them.
Like many forms of publishing, there are no hard rules about what is and is not a photo map. Sites which are called photo maps usually consist of road or topological maps with images displayed on them or linked from them. Some photo maps have RSS feeds so that people can be automatically updated when the map is updated, permalinks so that images and places can be linked to from other web pages, and pan and zoom capabilities.